Who can apply for an CMRS membership?
Anyone can be the member of the society who has passed post graduate degree in science from any recognized university. The link for the membership is available on the website.
Where is the Society Head office located?
CMRS head office located at following address-
Department of Physics
University Engineering College Bikaner
Bikaner Techical Uinversity
Bikaner (Rajasthan) India
Is Condensed Matter Research Society publishing any journal?
Journal of Condensed Matter is the first publication of the CMRS. This journal accept papers from Condensed Matter field.
Can a post gradute studying student join the CMRS?
Persuing Post graduation degree student can also apply for the membership.
Can society collaborate with Institutes for holding conferences, seminars and workshops?
CMRS welcomes the proposal for organization of events in association with colleges, Universities and Research Institutions. For this a request can be send to the President of the society.
Is Journal of Condensed Matter open access?
There is no subscription charges for the access of publsihed articles. It is open access journal.
Who will be the publishers for online and offline publications of newsletter, proceedings, abstract books and journals articles.
All printed and online materials will be publish by World Science Publications.
Created: 06-May-2024 01:03 PM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 01:03 PM