Even though the Condensed Matter Research Society (CMRS) would like to enlarge its membership list, yet, strict criteria will be followed for the induction of members. CMRS may fix the maximum number of members in future if necessary. The society shall have the following categories of members: Honorary Members, Members, Life Members, Member Institutions, and Student Members:
Honorary Member:
Honorary members will be selected by Executive Council (EC) of CMRS. EC can also nominate individuals with outstanding contribution in field of condensed matter from India or abroad each year. There will be no fee for Honorary Member. Nominations are invited through out the year and can be submitted in prescribed format to secretary@thecmrs.in
Any person associated with research in science or teaching at University or College level, or possessing a post-graduate degree in Science subjects is eligible to apply for membership and pay the admission fee.
Student Member:
This membership will be awarded to students and renewed annually.
Organizational / Corporate Member:
Any organization actively involved in any Condensed Matter Research related development, Material, Product, Components, Devices can become an Organizational Member.
Link for joining society - https://forms.gle/yod7iPv1wps4k7tS7
Created: 06-May-2024 01:03 PM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 12:00 AM